Sunday, July 2, 2006

North Carolina

Stressed! That is definately how to describe what I am feeling. Although confused fits in there really well too. So does frustrated, betrayed, eager, excited, and overwhelmed. I know, I lost you already. Let me back up.

This week I worked my butt off working twelves so I could take Friday off. It was so nice to sleep in and relax. While I was out running errands and got a call from Laurie (my boss and good friend). She tells me that some things at work have changed. I can tell by her voice that they aren't good changes. My project has been close. Gone, Byebye, Adios. No more RxAmerica. Everyone has been moved to EyeMed. Laurie and I both have been demoted. Our team is being broken up and dispersed among the rest of the EyeMed teams. We start Monday. Needless to say, I freak out. It's gone. My work. Everything I have put into it. All the long hours, the conference calls, the dedication. It's all gone. Not a happy ending to my day off.

Saturday my grandparents came down from SLC to have their haircut. (I usually go up there to do it, but since my car isn't working- again- they came down here. I'm ready to give up on my car.) We are all driving out to NC for my sister Kendra's wedding. Kendra is 17 and lives in NC with her mom, Becky, and her little sister, Heather. She is getting married on July 11. We (my grandparents and I) are leaving Wed as soon as I get off of work. We should be to NC by Friday. I am excited to go out there. Get away from all the chaos here. I will be there for nine days. I am excited to see my family, especially my Granny Ball. I am so looking forward to being back home in NC.

Now the question is, do I want to come back? I have alot of friends here, but I also have a lot of past I would like to get away from. This may sound like running away, but is that really a bad thing? I don't really have any reason to stay and I have many reasons to get back to NC. If there is no future for me here, why not go back to NC and start a new life there?

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