Sunday, December 17, 2006

Don't Get Me Down

So I have my new email address. And now that I have a computer again (Thank you, Love!) I will have MSN up all the time on it. So anybody that wants to be added to my buddy list, just ask! I will add anyone that wants it. You can send me a message, post a comment here or on my page, or email me at my old address. I plan on being online more often now that I am creating all of this new and updated information.

I am loving the piano. I can't say that enough. I sat down at the piano the other day, pulled out my little brothers piano book and started playing a song I had never seen before. And played it all the way through! So I turned the page and kept going. I didn't stop until I got through the end of the book! I knew I loved it, and I have been told by many people that I have talent, but after an event like that, I can't really deny it anymore. I give thanks to my Heavenly Father for this gift! And today, to make things even better, I found out that my maternal grandmother and her mom used to play the piano and were VERY talented at it. She says that is where I get my talent from. Yay for heredity! The pianist at my church has asked that I play all the music for the congregation on New Year's Eve Sunday. That means I have two weeks to get four songs down well enough that everyone can sing to them during church. Think I have do it? I'll be practicing like crazy for the next two weeks for sure!

Holy goodness I have been working a lot of OT lately. I swear all I do is work! The good news is that I got my new schedule. I will be working Wed thru Sat noon to eleven pm. Four tens! I'm so excited. I start Feb 3 and I am looking forward to it.

Have you ever used PayPal? What about eBay? It's all a new experience for me. Selo is teaching me and I'm having fun with it. I have two things that I am going to buy. And it's fun to watch the money move around, watch the auctions and everything. I'm having a blast.

I want to make a special mention right now. I want my sister Rebeka to know how much I love her. Bek, I know you have been going through a lot of stuff lately. In the past year, you have had a lot of good and bad. I am impressed with how you have handled things. I will always be right here for you. I am glad to have you as my sister. I love you very much.

I want to tell you all Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. I am Jewish by blood and Christian by choice. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and I wish you all a Love filled and positive New Year!!!

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