Monday, June 25, 2007

Pepsi still believes in God

There has been a rumor going around for quite some time about Pepsi removing "Under God" from it's newly designed label. This rumor is at least a few years old, as I have heard it for a long time. Well I got tired of hearing about it, and I did some research. I don't drink Pepsi (or Coke, or Dr Pepper, or any other soda for that matter), but I do believe in God and America. I am pleased to say, this is purely a rumor. You can still drink Pepsi and be a good American Christian. (lol Don't get on my case about Pepsi being unAmerican. I'm making a positive statement here.)

You can check Snopes or Urban Legends, to see for yourself. And feel free to reply to all those spams you get with these two addresses. I'm sure those drama queen spammers would love to read them!

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