I hate WHM. Yeah, you heard me, I hate it. When I first started FFXI on my first character, I started as WHM. I got to lvl 18 and Drew (aka Dayle) started his drama. So I started my character over, and started as BLM this time. And I love BLM. I have never NOT enjoyed BLM. The only problem is that the best /sub for BLM is WHM. So I have to lvl my WHM. Last night wasn't bad though. I am noticing that the higher lvl I get, the more I enjoy the game- as BLM and WHM.
Anyway, last weekend was interesting. I was disappointed over and over again with WS. This doesn't happen very often! But I had planned, prepared for, and was ready and waiting for a certain event. I was waiting to be told where to meet everyone. After sitting there looking stupid for a while, I asked again, and was told to keep waiting- they were going to meet me. So I keep waiting. I ask again. They left me! Because I wasn't there! What the crap?!?! I am sitting there, doing what I am told, and waiting for them. And they leave me behind! I am severely ticked. In order to make it up to me (okay not really, they just wanted me to shut up), plans were made for another party to go later that night- of more people that needed it but were left behind. So I wait. And wait. And wait. Then I hear that they are going to bed. What a waste of a night.
The next day, plans are made again. Well skipping all the drama, I bet you can guess what happened. That's right, another no go. Needless to say, I am very upset. This LS is not flaky like this, and they don't usually blow things (and people!) off like this. I don't understand what the problem is. I am very disappointed. Lucky for me, I know I am being emo, so I simply switch LS and distract myself. I know people in the other LS couldn't care less how I feel. So I put on my trusty (and reliable!) GTMC LS, and talk it up in there. (No I didn't bring up my drama. Like I said, I wanted to distract myself.) I love these people. And I loved them even more at that very moment.
(Am I concerned about anyone from that WS seeing this post? Not really. None of them really take me seriously, and there fore have no reason, desire, or intention of reading my blog. Except for Vel, of course, who will probably read this at some point or another. But I'm not worried about him causing a scene. Besides Vel being totally uber and loyal in the friendship dept, he knows me well enough to let this blow over. I needed to have my little trantrum, through my fit, and I will get over it. Time heals all. And blogging. Blogging it out definitely heals too.)
Sunday, Selo (BRD), Battlehawk (MNK), and Nedjobean (BLM) are all getting together to get it done. Selo needs it too, and Ned and Battle are willing to help. Ned asks in LS if anyone else needs it, and Seaofheather (BLU) comes along. We had a pretty good party, and got out there fine. The problem happened during the fight. See, as a BLM, I have learned to stand as far from the melee as possible in order to avoid AoE. In the case of the Shadow Lord fight, this is a bad idea. Selo can't <[Horde Lullaby]> the undead if they are all scattered out between me and the melee. So I have skeletons all over me, and they aren't sleeping. I wipe, then the rest of the party wipes. We are dead, and kicked from the area. Ned is so kind as to run Tak (WHM) out to raise us. Once we are raised and unweakened, we go back in. Selo was nice enough to explain to me why we died, so this time, I stay nice and close to Battle. This time it is a success- even without Battle's two hour. Yay! Finally it's done! I am glad to have that finished. And I would like to give Ned, Battle, Tak, Sea, and Selo full credit for it. Thanks also goes out to GTMC.
After that fight was finished, I lvled my WHM. I was in a really good party, with an awesome PLD. I think PLD was SE's gift to WHMs. It makes healing so much easier. And <[regen]>, I love regen. When that party disband, I S/I walked all the way back to Kazham. Got almost to the zone line, and received a party invite. From one of the people in the last party, for the same place the last party was. So I S/I walk all the way back. After a bit of death, we get started, and have a pretty good party. It gets late, and I have dinged a few times. Half the party is out, but we find reps, I hand off party leader (which I did very well at this time, I might add), and logged right where I was. I am 3.5 TNL, and I will probably be lvling right there when I get back in. So I see no point in going back to Kazham. I will need to update all my spells once I hit 30, but I'm not worrying about it yet. My plans with my WHM, are to take her all the way up. I want all the tele's, as they are an awesome way to make gil. TaruTeleTaxi <[Yes, Please]> I think as I continue getting higher, I will begin to enjoy it more. I am hopeful anyway.
Selo is thinking about putting together a Dynamis shell. He has a lot on his mind about it, and I am doing my best to be supportive. Without ever having been to Dynamis myself, I can only be a mirror to his thoughts, I can't actually give any feedback. I just don't know anything about it. But I am all for joining- and it sounds like he has several others too. I hope that he will be able to get out of it what he is looking for, and it won't make him go broke. From what I understand, Dynamis can be a very beneficial activity to all those that actively participate. It's the ones that are only in it for themselves that seem to ruin it for everyone else. We shall see on that one.
Anyway, last weekend was interesting. I was disappointed over and over again with WS. This doesn't happen very often! But I had planned, prepared for, and was ready and waiting for a certain event. I was waiting to be told where to meet everyone. After sitting there looking stupid for a while, I asked again, and was told to keep waiting- they were going to meet me. So I keep waiting. I ask again. They left me! Because I wasn't there! What the crap?!?! I am sitting there, doing what I am told, and waiting for them. And they leave me behind! I am severely ticked. In order to make it up to me (okay not really, they just wanted me to shut up), plans were made for another party to go later that night- of more people that needed it but were left behind. So I wait. And wait. And wait. Then I hear that they are going to bed. What a waste of a night.
The next day, plans are made again. Well skipping all the drama, I bet you can guess what happened. That's right, another no go. Needless to say, I am very upset. This LS is not flaky like this, and they don't usually blow things (and people!) off like this. I don't understand what the problem is. I am very disappointed. Lucky for me, I know I am being emo, so I simply switch LS and distract myself. I know people in the other LS couldn't care less how I feel. So I put on my trusty (and reliable!) GTMC LS, and talk it up in there. (No I didn't bring up my drama. Like I said, I wanted to distract myself.) I love these people. And I loved them even more at that very moment.
(Am I concerned about anyone from that WS seeing this post? Not really. None of them really take me seriously, and there fore have no reason, desire, or intention of reading my blog. Except for Vel, of course, who will probably read this at some point or another. But I'm not worried about him causing a scene. Besides Vel being totally uber and loyal in the friendship dept, he knows me well enough to let this blow over. I needed to have my little trantrum, through my fit, and I will get over it. Time heals all. And blogging. Blogging it out definitely heals too.)
Sunday, Selo (BRD), Battlehawk (MNK), and Nedjobean (BLM) are all getting together to get it done. Selo needs it too, and Ned and Battle are willing to help. Ned asks in LS if anyone else needs it, and Seaofheather (BLU) comes along. We had a pretty good party, and got out there fine. The problem happened during the fight. See, as a BLM, I have learned to stand as far from the melee as possible in order to avoid AoE. In the case of the Shadow Lord fight, this is a bad idea. Selo can't <[Horde Lullaby]> the undead if they are all scattered out between me and the melee. So I have skeletons all over me, and they aren't sleeping. I wipe, then the rest of the party wipes. We are dead, and kicked from the area. Ned is so kind as to run Tak (WHM) out to raise us. Once we are raised and unweakened, we go back in. Selo was nice enough to explain to me why we died, so this time, I stay nice and close to Battle. This time it is a success- even without Battle's two hour. Yay! Finally it's done! I am glad to have that finished. And I would like to give Ned, Battle, Tak, Sea, and Selo full credit for it. Thanks also goes out to GTMC.
After that fight was finished, I lvled my WHM. I was in a really good party, with an awesome PLD. I think PLD was SE's gift to WHMs. It makes healing so much easier. And <[regen]>, I love regen. When that party disband, I S/I walked all the way back to Kazham. Got almost to the zone line, and received a party invite. From one of the people in the last party, for the same place the last party was. So I S/I walk all the way back. After a bit of death, we get started, and have a pretty good party. It gets late, and I have dinged a few times. Half the party is out, but we find reps, I hand off party leader (which I did very well at this time, I might add), and logged right where I was. I am 3.5 TNL, and I will probably be lvling right there when I get back in. So I see no point in going back to Kazham. I will need to update all my spells once I hit 30, but I'm not worrying about it yet. My plans with my WHM, are to take her all the way up. I want all the tele's, as they are an awesome way to make gil. TaruTeleTaxi <[Yes, Please]> I think as I continue getting higher, I will begin to enjoy it more. I am hopeful anyway.
Selo is thinking about putting together a Dynamis shell. He has a lot on his mind about it, and I am doing my best to be supportive. Without ever having been to Dynamis myself, I can only be a mirror to his thoughts, I can't actually give any feedback. I just don't know anything about it. But I am all for joining- and it sounds like he has several others too. I hope that he will be able to get out of it what he is looking for, and it won't make him go broke. From what I understand, Dynamis can be a very beneficial activity to all those that actively participate. It's the ones that are only in it for themselves that seem to ruin it for everyone else. We shall see on that one.
I got an email today about the Final Fantasy Fan Festival 2007. I would love to go to this. Totally and completely geeky, but it sounds like fun! I would love to take one of those luxury vacations and end up surrounded by fellow FFXI lovers. It's in Cali, Nov 15-17. Tickets are $85 apiece, and we would have to get airline tickets, hotel, transportation, and the works. But you can't tell me it wouldn't be so totally worth it if we could pull it off. I would absolutely love to go.

Edit: I realized after several comments on this post that I had 29WHM instead of 30WHM. Pardon me for disrespecting my hard work. *scolds self* This error has been corrected.
*goes to tell everyone and stir stuff up*
Ya, that Saturday and Sunday were really messed up. I don't know why Haxxor was in such a rush to get it over with and left you behind, that just more of a jerk then Haxxor is as far as I know him. Then Sunday I was waiting for Limbus to start but it never happened and then I hear you guys wiped and felt kinda bad cause I could have been there to get all the mobs together. If only I had known we were canceling Limbus earlier ; ;
I wanna come to some of the other windy mission stuffs. Some of the BC are country missions though where I can't enter cause I'm San d'Orian which is lame but oh well, I'll try to help where I can.
WHM is bleh, I don't like it. I blame leveling PLD first. I always feel like I should be tanking when I cast white mage XD. I have to get Xaint's WHM up to at least 37, probably to all the teleport scrolls. I'll just have to sit down and get that done some day. But yet, PLD is great tank, but it does come down to the people alot. I hear of so many bad PLDs out there...
PS-If you go, you have to take me with you! It's never going to come to Canada and when it goes to the east coast it will most likely be as far away from me as possible ; ;
PPS-I can travel by luggage or overhead compartment if need be and can survive off Kraft Dinner if need be!
I'm better about the whole thing now. I'm still a little bitter, but oh well. I needed to get it out of my system and rant about it. Thinking back on the whole thing, I should have asked more questions. No one knew what was going on, where people were meeting, or exactly when it was starting. Sounds like a lack of planning. Not that it would have made a difference, but I should have asked more questions and been more informed about what was going on and WHO was in charge.
The more I think about it, the more I want to go. It would be so expensive though, and I don't know if we could pull that. But I'll tell ya what, if we do go, I will save a suitcase for you. A luxury one even. It's big and spacious, with a classy blue exterior and black interior. It's clean and well taken care of. and it has wheels on it, for easy transport. Sounds like every suitcase-travelers dream doesn't it?
Ya, it's good to get that stuff outta your system. Even if it has nothing to do with a specific event I find it's a great thing to explode (in a controlled environment) every once and a while.
Ohhhh, first class luggage travel all the way!
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