Sunday, July 1, 2007

Light at the end of the tunnel

We are almost finished moving. We spent all of Friday and Saturday. My little brother and sister came to help us Friday and spent the night, and my parents (Mitch and Judy) helped on Saturday. Thank heavens for their help! Judy packed almost the entire kitchen on her own, we couldn't have gotten the piano in without Mitch, and OMGosh I think Pixie outworked us all. We have had five vehicles going between the two households at any given time. I have been cleaning like crazy (nobody has lived in our new home for several years!) and Hubby is so beat up it isn't funny- his hand might actually be broken, but since he can move it he is just taking it *really* easy with that hand. We should be completely finished (including cleaning) of our old house today. And I am hoping to be organized in our new house by the end of the week. We moved the cats over here already. Piper, as usual, is already adjusted and wandering around after her first night here. Sweetie, well, she's just starting to venture out- and she was brought over on one of the first trips. But she is doing well considering, and as long as she is improving we are pleased. We are still working on arranging where we want everything to go, and we have some serious moving-of-the-furniture to do. (The home is fully furnished.)

I start my new position tomorrow. Although I am a bit nervous, I am looking forward to it. I have a lot of things I plan on getting done now that I will be home. And I am definitely glad there will be no lapse in income on my part. Our bank account is almost zip right now because of the move. Gas is expensive, especially when you are fueling so many vehicles. We will be living on our food storage and no spending money for a little while. But this will do us a lot of good in the long term future, so we don't regret our decision. lol But I will be doing more research on frugal living and keeping costs down. A few things I am already looking forward to are line drying my clothes and home made meals. We haven't had much- or any- of either while we were both working.

Hubby and I are speaking in church next Sunday. I am looking forward to writing my talk- I am always looking for ways to grow my faith. Hubby and I will probably set aside some time to work on them together too. It will be good to share our knowledge AND make sure our talks are different.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. And I apologize to everyone that has emailed me in the last few days (or week lol)- neither one of us has had time to check our email. I'll try to get to mine this week- no telling when Hubby will get to his. But I hope your night is lovely and relaxing.

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