Friday, August 10, 2007

Another touchy subect

While browsing Domestic Divapalooza, I found another subject causing a lot of stir in our country. I believe bringing up issues is a healthy and productive way of improving and ensuring progress in our country, politics, lives, and families. However this issue brings so much Hate to the floor, that people avoid it at all costs or die for it. There's not much middle ground. You can't NOT have an opinion anymore. Which is why it is coming up so often in so many conversation.
I am forming my opinions about these issues. I don't have anything set in stone yet. But I am leaning this way on one thing and that way on another. The more I hear, the better I can make an educated decision about my feelings.

On this issue, I agree with what Senator Dodge says when he is asked about this issue:
Do you support gay marriage?

What are your views on this issue?

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