Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Matt Doesn't Exist

I know everybody is posting the message below, but Matt doesn't exist. Don't believe me? Call the telephone number. That's what I just did. It's also on Snopes as being false (click here). I am all for praying, especially for those in need, but please know if something is real or not before pulling at people's heartstrings. Now, Matt, if you are out there, and you do exist, feel free to message me directly, and we'll go from there. For everyone else, Matt doesn't exist, the telephone number doesn't work, so you don't have to post this anymore. Let's all pray for something we know for sure, try praying for world peace, try praying for our American soldiers, try praying for the lack of honesty in politics. And please don't take this personally, because I received the Matt Message about twelve times.
Thanks Everyone!

Here's the message:
Body: PRAY FOR MATT!!!!r

Everyone needs to take the time and read this. Just take a break from all your other stupid bulletins about who is gonna die or if your love life will suck for 7 years and be serious and do the right thing. Repost this or you have no soul seriously. A kid needs our help so do the right thing.
"HI my name is Matt Dawson. I am 23 years old, and I have a large tumor on my brain and severe lung cancer. The doctors say I will die soon if this isn't fixed, and my family can't pay the bills. "The Make A Wish Foundation" has agreed to donate 7 cents for every time this message is reposted. For those of you who repost, I thank you so much. But for those who don't repost it, I will still pray for you. Please, if you are a kind person, have a heart. Please, please, PLEASE REPOST THIS MESSAGE!"
Matt Dawson
702-355-6198 Home
Please feel free to call me for anything.
*hey it wont cost you but 10 seconds of your life

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