Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Update on my cousin Susan

I talked to my Grandma Davis a few minutes ago. Susan is doing much better, but Grandma knows a little more about what happened. During the labor, amniotic fluid got into Susan's blood stream. (I think I was told it is called amniocentisus embolism, but I could be wrong.) The DRs took Susan and did an emergency C-section. The DRs had to use the paddles to bring Susan back to life. She was in and out of consiousness. She had to have tubes put in her lungs to keep them from filling with fluid. The amnio fluid in the blood causes the blood not to coagulate, which leads to bleeding to death.

A few stats on this type of situation:
-It happens to 1 in 200,000 people (and can only happen while having a baby obviously, so that narrows it down even farther)
-The chances of survival when this happens are 10%

Susan is doing better now. Yesterday, we were very scared because the DRs said she may not make it through the night. However she did! She is still in ICU. She is breathing on her own, and has had the tubes removed.
The baby's name is Oliver Cashe, after his grandfather Fred Oliver, and they will call him Cashe. He is happy, healthy, and big! Cashe will go home from the hospital in a few days, and Bryce's mom will be staying with him to help care for Cashe until Susan is able to do so. Susan will be in ICU for a few more days (several we are told), and will be in the hospital for some time after that. She has a long recovery ahead of her. We are grateful she has the opportunity to recover!

Thank you all for your support, love, and prayers. The power of prayer is a miracle, and it has happened once again. Thank you, Heavenly Father!

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