At the vet, I was told to bathe the kittens in PalmOlive dish detergent. It is gentle enough for their skin, but strong enough to kill the fleas. So yesterday when Hubby got home from work, we did. We closed ourselves, all seven cats, a bottle of PalmOlive, and lots of towels in the bathroom. And it was quite an event. First we did Piper, and let her out. We did Sweetie, and pushed her out (because she didn't want to go). We took all five kittens put them in the tub, and started on them. First kitten: we her down, lather her up, let her sit, move on to the next one. Once we had five kittens lathered in dish detergent, we starting rinsing them. Rinse, dry off with a towel, let it out of the bathroom. After they were all out, they snuggled

together on a towel I had on the floor for them. Hubby then jumped in the shower himself. While he was bathing himself in PalmOlive, I stripped the sheets and blankets off the bed (to be completely thorough). I jumped in the shower, and he put clean sheets on the bed. It took two hours, but we bathed seven cats, two humans, and the sheets on our bed. Tonight, now that it has been 24 hours since their bath, they will get a monthly treatment to prevent fleas.
I put word out there yesterday that the kittens and the mom are ready for their forever homes. They are clean and ready. I will miss them, but I will be glad to have my home back.
Kitten Anyone?
aww poor kitties! Not much to them when they are wet, huh? LOL
If you find anymore fleas in your house, I highly recommend Bengal brand flea killer. You can buy it at Wal Mart and it's amazing stuff. No crazy stench either! I bought it when we got infested and only ever had to use it once, even though at the time it came with two cans.
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