Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Blogger-ish-type-stuff- Funny stuff

I edited some of my bookmarks today, and deleted about half of them. (I actually wanted to read that at some point? What was I thinking?) I read a few other blogs. And then I decided to browse a bit.

I love reading Crystal's blog because it is so freaking funny. I used to have a couple of other blogs that I would fall off the couch laughing at. But not so much anymore. So I went on a search for funny blogs.

A couple of search engines and blog networks later, I realize "Holy crap. I am SO not funny." My blog is serious and intelligent and personal, but not so much funny. I guess the whole "I'm afraid of people laughing at me" thing is rubbing off on my blog.

Yes, I am getting to my point here.

Well, actually my goal. I should be funnier. Easier said than done. So encouraging myself to write funnier, I should also laugh more. Hmmm laugh more. (Isn't that what Hubby says to me all the time?) Okay, well, I get it. Hopefully. I am going to add a little more humor to my page. Maybe not the joke type, or the falling off the couch type that Crystal writes. (Nobody compares to her writing. Come on. Admit it.) But in my own little terrified-of-the-world way, I will do my best.

Feel free to offer feedback, jokes, and other laugh your butt off blogs to encourage me. This will be a work in progress.

(And now I am off to bed. Where I will dream lots of funny dreams.)

1 comment:

SoCalSingleMama said...

LOL - I just spent 20 minutes reading Crystal's blog. Hilarious!!!