Saturday, September 29, 2007

I need a remedy

A very emotional week for me.
Not being able to find my wallet has taken a toll on me. And poor Hubby is stressed that I am stressed. I just don't want to go through the process of "The Lost Wallet". What a pain.
On the other side, school has gone really well. I am caught up in all my classes, and I am ahead in two of them. I took three tests this week. Two in English and one in math. I got 100% on all three of them! Did you hear that? 100% on my math test! It's nice to know that hours of studying really do pay off.
My body hurts. My hands and wrists hurt. My eye is still a little sore. (At least I look normal again.) I have stupid bites all over my waist and legs. (Honestly, what the heck kind of bug is selective in their biting?) My . . . *clears throat* . . . chest is so sore and achy, I would rather just not move at all. Although I am not walking around in the buff, it hurts just to wear a t-shirt. You can forget anything else.

So with all this emotional stuff going on, Hubby and I both have been carrying around a nice headache. I don't like downing lots of pills, so I've been wondering- when I have time to- of other remedies for headaches. Relaxing for minor headaches, Botox for migraines, drinking lots of water and plenty of rest for a moderate headache. But I want to know what other remedies are out there? What other things people have tried and found to be successful? I would prefer some more natural ways of curing headaches- all headaches, but I am open to any suggestions out there. If you have something, please let me know about it.


Anonymous said...

I recently read a blog post about how the "headon" ointment (the one with the commercial that repeats "apply to forehead" again and again) doesn't work well. I find a lot of my headaches are due to stress, and it sure sounds like your life contains enough of that! So my hubby usually massages my temples, neck and back -- and the headache gets better :) I avoid medication as much as possible as well <"3 )~

*Marie* said...

Hmmm, attention from Hubby. Yes, I like this idea already ;)