Friday, September 14, 2007

Pregnant? Or just not Average?

So I read a great post by my good friend Journey Gal today. Journey Gal and I have known each other since junior high school, and she has always been a strong and independent woman. I am hoping for a little visit with her in Nov, but until then, we keep up with each other through blogging and lots of emails. A few days ago, she made an awesome post about Women and being average. Some of it made me happy (not being 5'3" cause I like my height) and some of it was motivating (only a quarter of women over 25 have a bachelors). I wanted to share the info with you, and ask, how average are you?
Thank you, Elise, for this information.

To Sparrow's House

And a quick note about another post that has been on my mind a lot for the passed few days. I have had many thoughts on the way I will handle teaching my children about sexual preferences and loving everyone. Ana, from Watch Out for Mama, has done both. Her post is about an activity night her family holds once a week, specifically for family time. During that time this week, she taught her children two very important things. Once again, I am taking notes.
Thank you, Ana, for sharing this with us.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the linkie!!
Have a great day!

SoCalSingleMama said...

Thanks for the sparrowshouse link, too. :-) I'm glad we've re-connected and are keeping in touch with our blogs. Can't wait to see you in November!

*Marie* said...

Thanks for the comments ladies. I really enjoy reading your blogs, and I am always up for a link to a post I think should be spread around or is uber helpful.
And Elise, I am excited to see you too. lol Speaking of which, do you feel like taking a drive this weekend? I'll be in San Diego Saturday and Sunday.