Thursday, September 13, 2007

You Wanna Forward Me Something?

Read this first

I got 100% on my English writing test. I got 100% on both the English papers that were just handed back to me. Overall grade in my English class as of today: 99%

I've gotten 100% on all my math homework so far. 98% on the first test, 96% on the second. Don't have my exact grade for that class yet, but my calculations project an A.
The loud mouth girl that sits in the back of the classroom made a fool of herself in class today. I guess when you sit in the back so you can yell up front and be sure everyone hears what you are saying, it would be a good idea to know what you are doing before you start hollering. And no, I don't pity her. Not one bit. Class will be quieter tomorrow.

I know have four separate articles for the CougarCry. I doubt all of them will be published in the coming edition, but they are written all the same. I have spent hours working on the laptop article, and it is awesome, if I do say so myself. Loni was pleased when I told her I had two completed. I wonder what will happen at tomorrow's meeting when I tell her I have four for her now?

Finished my first paid blogging job. Cha-ching! I was accepted for another site, too, so I might pick up a job or two from there. I probably won't do more than one or two a week. The extra $$$ will be nice, but I just don't have time to do just that.

Now, I have heartburn and an 8:00 class in the morning- I'm off to bed. Good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good for you girl and congratulations on all your accomplishments!!! glad that class will be quiter for you....