I love financial info. I love the research and the info and all of it. I know to search around when looking for a credit card, never take out a cash advance, and always pay on time. The hardest part, I have learned, is finding a good credit card. Since I worked for American Express, I have gotten good at helping my friends not only understand the small print and terms, but also finding a good card. I have found an awesome site. It is called Bad Credit Offers. They help with everything from comparing credit cards to bad credit loans. I was impressed with how much this site could help with. If you have a minute, you should check it out.
1 comment:
Bad credit offers.com helped me a lot. I wanted to buy home, but my credit history was not so good. I had limited income and insufficient savings, and buying home was for me like a distant dream as it required a good amount of money.
With the help of this site I have found out about bad credit mortgages. And bad credit mortgage not only helped me to buy home but also provided great opportunity to re-establish my adverse credit past.
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