Thursday, November 8, 2007

Taking a Break

I have been working on homework since nine this morning. I finished my ACA homework, and just now finished my English essay. My ACA homework was interesting today. The class is fairly easy, so sometimes boring. However, today it was good. Today was about time management and goal setting. We were asked to outline and discuss one goal we had recently accomplished, and two goals we would like to accomplish. The two I wanted to accomplish were to write my English essay (which is now finished) and do two chapters of my math homework (which I will do after this break I am taking). The goal I had recently achieved was to get a new digital camera.
As most of you know, I have disliked my camera for about a year and a half. Hubby bought me the perfect camera for Christmas two years ago, but it was lost when we moved to NC. We purchase a cheap Walmart camera (yeah, I know, I should have known better than walmart, but I was going for cheap and that's what I got *sigh*) to hold us over until we purchased a better one. I love taking pictures. I don't do any paper scrapbooking, but I am slowly learning digital scrapbooking. In order to achieve my goal of getting a new camera, I had three main steps to achieve. First, research cameras. What features did I want? What did I not need? What was a must have and what was a bonus? What amount did I want to spend? What additional items would I need or want? Second, earn and save the money. I did some paid writing jobs to earn the money, and kept it in another account specific for saving so that it would be kept. Third, purchase the camera. Hubby and I spent many hours studying, discussing, and researching cameras. So when I went to the store with my sister, I was prepared for the purchase. I picked out two cameras that met the feature and budget requirements. When I went to speak with a sales rep, I passed a discount table- that had several digital cameras on it. I searched through them, and found what I wanted. Some of the cameras were marked down more than $100! I purchased a camera worth over $300, plus a memory card and a camera case, for only $219.
It was one of the best purchases I have ever made. Doing research, setting a budget, and educating myself made a big difference. When I took the camera home and showed Hubby, he was impressed with how well I had done. (lol Yes! *I* impressed my husband with an electronic purchase that *I* made! How great is that?) We now have a camera with everything we wanted, plus some, paid less than we had planned, and have the great feeling of accomplishing a goal. What a great feeling. :D

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