Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Aron Scott Clements

I went to a funeral today. It was sad, a different kind of sad. Most funerals are sad because everyone there will miss their loved one. Aron's funeral had so many more emotions. People will not only be dealing with their feelings of missing him, but also dealing with their feelings about the way he died. Aron was a passionate person and will always be remembered for the great legacy he left behind.

Aron Scott Clements

I have done a lot of thinking today. A lot of thoughts and emotions and feelings have run through me. I would like to share some of them with you.

First, we need to reach out to people. We need to show and express love and support for each other- always.If someone acts like they don't need support, that is when they need it the most.

Second, forgive. This is a difficult thing for most of us, including myself. It takes a lot of energy to hold a grudge. Instead, feel the anger. Then let it go. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself and someone else. Forgive your friends, your family,your enemiesand most importantly, yourself. Forgiving someone allows you to move on. I am struggling with forgiving someone right now. But the thing that has finally changed me, is pity. I feel bad for the person I need to forgive. Thinking about the reasons they are doing the things they do, makes me pity them. I feel bad for the struggles they go through that makes them feel such a need to attack. I need to forgive this person. I need to forgive everyone involved in this situation, including myself. This will help me and all those involved live easier. I want to love completely, and letting go of this will help me do that. It will make me a better person. It will give me power over myself. It will lift a burden. It will freshen the air and clearthe skies. It will make life easier to live.

Lastly and most important, I want the people I love to know I love them. I care for you and I need you. I value you in my life. I love you, every one of you. You have made a difference to me.

Thank you Aron, for being the teacher of these great lessons.

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