Monday, August 14, 2006

First Day at Lowe's

My first day was great. I sat between the Senior Aviator Director and the Program Director. Everyone starting at Lowe's goes to Orientation together, so I was rubbing elbows with some pretty important people. Lucky me! Today was mostly a lot of paperwork and tour of the site. They gave us our badges and entry cards (you have to have an entry card to even get into the parking lot- talk about feeling safe!). They provided us with breakfast and bought our lunch. A lot of walking, talking, and shaking hands. But it was great. Tomorrow we go to a Lowe's store and work as a CS agent in the store. This is to teach us how the customers interact with reps at the on sight stores. Lowe's does hands on training and face to face so we understand to the best of our abilities. My training will be for the next eight weeks, so I look forward to any out-of-the-classroom training they will give. One of the first things they covered in training today was how to get the most money from the company- legally, of course. Stock options and retirement plans. I am glad to be working for this company and I feel very blessed to have the work experience and background that got me here. It's going to be a great place to live.

*Special thanks to Kevin Petersen and Laurie Haney in their direct assistance. I would also like to thank my certain friends that have supported me and encouraged me to be the best I can be (you know who you are). And a very loving thanks goes out to Selo ;)

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