Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Cingular Can Kiss My Paperweight

I hate stupid people. And more so I hate when stupid people hire other stupid people to make a stupid company. How is Cingular a company? I have been trying to add to lines onto an existing account for over a week. You'd think that Cingular would be happy and excited to do this. Not so. Because this would mean they would have to work. I called the store to find out if I could go in that night to do this. Want to know what he told me? "No I don't think I want to do that tonight. It takes too much time. And since it's been slow tonight we are closing early." Huh? Are you actually refusing business? Is that allowed by your company? Every time I go into the Cingular store they tell me I have to call the company. Every time I call the company they tell me I have to go into the store. So I call the company from inside the store. And they still can't do it! I give up. I will use a prepaid account for the next week until I get ALL five lines moved over to another company. So I put the smallest amount available onto my phone today. I send a few texts and then try to make a call. Nope, sorry, call failed. Again and again and again. Ugh., so now I have a paperweight with Cingular written all over it. This is ridiculas. If I wanted this, I would buy a freaking pager. Well, fine. Cingular can kiss my stupid dead paperweight. Good ridance.

I wold love to say that this is the only thing wrong in my life right now. But unfortunately for me, it's just the beginning. See I was having a great time. I was saying my prayers of thanks every morning and night for all the wonderful things in my life. I'm getting married. My wedding is coming together wonderfully. My soon-to-be husband got to visit his family in Utah. My job is wonderful. And I am growing spiritually more than I ever have. Life is wonderful. And then, God decides I need a lesson in being humble.

Selo has been in Utah for a week. He is having a great time with his family. He got to see his daughters last weekend and spend the day with them. He has seen his mom, his dad, his sister Sarah, and tons of his friends. So what's wrong? He can't come back. At least not yet. There is so much he needs to take care of in Utah that he may not be able to come back until December. December! So I am here in NC, lonely and without him. Yes, I can live without him, but that doesn't mean I like it or that I want to. I am marrying the man for a reason. Needless to say I don't like the fact that I have no idea when I will be seeing him again. At least I have my wedding to keep me busy right? Not so. There are some complications that cannot be resolved until he gets back to NC. And until that is taken care of, our wedding is on hold. We may have to push our wedding back. Yeah, great. So I have no husband and no wedding.

I am frustrated with my job. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But some of my numbers have changed drastically lately. Normally an drastic improvement is an awesome thing. But since it is not steady and the numbers are fluxuating, this is bad. Employers want consistency, and no matter how wonderful my fluxuations are, they aren't consistent. So I am concerned. My supervisor, Ms Norma, says I am doing fine. But I'm still worried.

I feel like I am stuck. I still study my scriptures every morning and pray morning and night (and in between), but I don't feel like I am progressing. I still believe in God whole-heartedly and my doubts in Him and in my religion are still as strong as ever. But, I just, I'm not going anywhere. I don't really know how to explain it... And I found out just a few minutes ago that someone I have been learning A LOT from is leaving. Tomorrow. He has a great knowledge of Christ and Heavenly Father and the Bible and is always able to help me understand. And now he is leaving. Just my luck.

I guess this is what I get for thinking my life was so great. This is God's way of humbling me. I must need it otherwise, He wouldn't be giving all this for me to go through. I'm sure there is a learning experience in here. I hope anyway. I know that God has a bigger plan for me than I know about. But right now, I sure feel pretty lost.

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