Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Madness

I wrote this in an email to a friend, and I thought it was quite appropriate. Want to know about my wedding? This is what I have been going through:

The wedding stuff is driving me crazy. I wake up in a panic most days. I know I am stressing too much, but I am so worried something is going to go wrong at the last second and I won't be able to fix it in time. I just keep telling myself that everything will be over in 40 days and then I can relax. This morning I woke up with a start and jumped out of bed to get started on all the chaos, then I realized it was six-thirty in the morning and I had only been asleep for a few hours. lol I need to start meditating before I sleep to calm my mind or something. I have heard of Brideszilla and being mean like that, but have you ever heard of anyone panicking themselves into hysteria? I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. But I definitely feel pathetic.

So there ya have it folks. The planning is going well, and everything is on track and in place, but my anxiety is taking me for a wild ride. Want more details about the ceremony and receptions and less details about the craziness inside my head? I updated our Wedding Website with the most recent information. It now has all the info about dates, times, and locations. Thank you to everything that has signed the guest book. We appreciate all of your well wishes.

***UPDATE*** It has been brought to my attention (thank you Lizz) that I need to clarify exactly WHAT I am afraid of here. I am NOT afraid or nervous or stressed about becoming Selo's wife. I look forward to it and I love him. The part I am afraid of is being the center of attention. I don't like it and I am quite nervous about it. But please, please, understand, I love him very much and I am honored and excited to become his wife.

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