Monday, May 28, 2007

Sunday Update

I love researching financial stuff. I have worked my butt off to become financially secure, and I think Selo and I are finally starting to make progress with it. But it has taken A LOT of work. Money is not an easy thing. It's more than just paying the bills every month and managing a budget. But I love doing research and learning about money and finances. I am always reading articles and books, and we are always talking and discussing and planning and trying new things. It's a full time job to manage money and become fincancially secure and independent. Anyway, here are some articles I found today

Airfare Information

Gas Information

Vehicle Information

Selo and I were received an offer to buy a house. Not just a junk or spam mail, but an actual offer for a home. 5 bdrms, 3 bthrms, garage, shed, and a beautiful yard. It's definately not what we had expected for a our big purchase of the year (and it's much more than the cost of a college tuition), but we are going to look into it. Housing market here is changing, and we are expecting it to work in our favor (as a buyer) within the next year or two.

I have found the greatest website. It's a simplified HTML site, and I could almost kiss the creator. I am beginning to think it's DW that is getting in the way, and I need to learn the HTML on my own.

If you read my previous post about Walmart, let me just say- I was right. Walmart has proved itself once again. Talk about More and more, Walmart is being associated with drama, more than anything else. Read here.

I am going to go back to the nurse this week. It will have been four weeks on Wed since I weighed in at 101, and I want to see how much I have gained. I still have sickness about once a week. However it has decreased in intensity and I am feeling a lot better.

I have also been doing a lot of research on the Presidential canidates. I am most interested in (now don't freak out on me) Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton. They are both very controversial canidates, but I am intregued by both. Want to do something useful with your time on MySpace? Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney (Or others you are interested in.)

I love Memorial Day celebrations. I love the pride in our country, the support and respect for our hard working soldiers, and seeing the flag everywhere. As with any holiday, we should remember it's importance year-round, and it is good to have a reminder about it.

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