Friday, August 17, 2007

. . . And I still have four hours of homework to do . . .

Ugh today sucked SO badly.
School was great. I went to my ACA class, and it's going to be fun- and pretty simple. Math will be okay. Sounds like homework is mostly on the computer, which is cool. (Hmm, I wonder if I could convince Selo I need a new computer. More ram, better video card, bigger monitor, new speakers. . . ) English is going to be more time consuming than I thought. Not harder exactly, just a lot more work. Busy work mostly. But that's English for ya.
After school I went to my dad's to feed the animals for them. They are out of town this whole week and I agreed to take care of the two dogs, four cats, and three guinea pigs while they are gone. Finished that in about fifteen minutes. My truck wouldn't start. Called my husband at work, he said he would come when he was finished with his conference call. Then I called a friend and let her know what was going on, and she (Meba) said she would take care of the Ellers lunch meal for me since I wouldn't be back in time. (I am a live-in Home Health Care Nurse, and I usually have lunch on the table by 11:30.) Did homework while I waited for Hubby to show up. Thirty to forty-five minutes later he gets there and gets the truck started for me. (Ever drive a clutch? If you have, he had to pop the clutch. Wouldn't let me do it because I had never done it or seen it done before.) He convinces me to go to lunch with him since I am so upset at missing work, and at this point I can't do anything until I start supper at five o'clock. While we are at lunch, guess who we run into? My boss, the Ellers daughter-in-law. Now I don't have any problem with her, but at that time I was supposed to be home taking care of her parents-in-law, not dining with Hubby. Luckily she just said hello and didn't make anything awkward. After lunch we go out to the truck, and it won't start. This time he makes me pop it. No big deal because he is there to help me- and save me if anything goes wrong. Scared the jebbies out of me though! I'd never done that before, it was very interesting. Anyway, so we get the truck started, and I head home. We had decided against taking it back to the mechanic (we just got it back yesterday from having the breaks replaced) because Hubby said he knew what was wrong and we could worry about it later. So I'm on my way home. I'm still learning to drive a clutch, so I am trying to keep the truck rolling at a stop light that way I don't stop and roll backwards on the hill. The truck stalls. And there I am, in a dead truck, in the middle of the road, about to roll backwards. Awesome. And where is my cell phone? No where to be found. Figures. So now, I'm a pathetic puny white girl in a dead truck in the middle of the road and no way to get help. About ten minutes after sitting in the blistering heat (did I mention we are on our 17th day of record heat?) an officer pulls up. I get out tell him what;s wrong, and he offers to push my truck off the road. Are you kidding me? Well okay, you are the officer. So we get the truck off the road, he loans me his mobile to call Hubby back- again- and ask him to leave work- again- to come help me- again. Hubby is not happy. I don't blame him. The officer is kind enough to give me a ride in his car over to a gas station so I didn't have a)wait outside in the heat and b) cross in traffic where there was no crosswalk. So I was put into the back of the patrol car, and let out at the gas station. Slightly embarrassing, even though I was appreciative to the officer. I sit down inside the nice cool service station (Thank you Citgo!) and I overhear the conversation of the table next to me. (Not that it was hard, they were next to me and weren't even trying to be quiet.) They are talking about how every time they are there there is a vehicle somewhere around there and a cop having to take care of business. I don't know if they had seen the officer drive me over there or not, but it didn't really matter. I felt like crap anyway. An hour later, Hubby gets there. We go look at the truck (Geez it's hot out here!), and a Highway Patrolman pulls up. We have 48 hours to get the truck moved before they move it for us. Well at least we have 48 hours, cause it's definitely not moving right now. We are going to have to find a way to tow it out of there. We leave the truck and go home. By this time, I have to go upstairs to fix supper (I have supper on the table every day at five o'clock.) Supper finished, back downstairs, and Hubby has crashed. Get his clothes off- including his shoes which he hadn't even taken off before falling asleep-, and I lay down myself. I just work up, and it's after eight o'clock. We slept for almost three hours. I guess we really needed it. All I have to say, is thank Heavens today is Friday.


Anonymous said...

I know this is a beautiful font, but you may want to start looking into a new favorite. I had to bump up the font size in my browser quite a few notches to be able to comfortably read it. It's just barely at a reasonable size in your emails =(

Good luck on the truck problems! I hate having repeating vehicle troubles!

Anonymous said...

So jeez sounds like you had fun, and the font hurt my eyes, and i was too lazy to make it bigger, well im sorry you didnt have fun that day, well it could have been worse. Well ill talk to you later marie, hope your truck feels better lol

*Marie* said...

Yes, sorry about the font. Blogger won't let me change it. Although I did make it bigger so I hope that helps. I like this font in my email, but it doesn't work for my blog. Thanks for the feedback, and no, I won't be using it again.