I'm working on my English as well. I understand verbs and nouns, but subject pronouns have me stumped. I scored pretty high on the rest of the quizzes, so I know it's not everything I am having trouble with. I even understand the difference between prepositional phrases and infinitives.
In my ACA course, we are learning about personalities. So far I have learned that I am left brained, and my learning type is primarily kinesthetic, followed by a close visual. It explains a lot to know I am so not an auditory learner. Tonight I will be taking another personality test. It has been fun to learn so many different things about myself. I plan on putting all of this information to good use.
On a less positive note, we are still broke. Pardon me while I rant. We paid $100+ yesterday to get the tire replaced on Hubby's car, and the truck is in the shop for the second time in ten days. Last week we paid $200 to have the brake lines replaced, and the very next day something else went wrong. When I took it to the shop, I thought it was the starter. But they said they tested it and the started is fine. So now it's sitting in there with no idea what is wrong. We still haven't bought groceries. *sigh* Hopefully, Hubby's paycheck will be enough to get some food in this house. Can we be any more pathetic? Okay rant over- thanks for listening.
I am learning the pains of carpal tunnel. I have dealt with it for a while, and I wear braces on my hands and wrists to help prevent it. Since I have started school, it is getting worse. I'm feeling the discomfort and pain creeping from the middle of my arms, through my wrists, into the palms of my hands, and tingling into my fingers. I have heard from so many people that the shots do not good; at that point, only the surgery will help. Quick surgery, two or three weeks recovery (per hand), and small scars. The next time I visit the doctor, I will bring it up for discussion.
Oh, I'm so glad for the weekend. I love school, and I love the schedule we are finally on. Work hard during the week, relax and play during the weekend. Once I finish this personality test, I will be finished with homework for the weekend. I have even been able to read my scriptures and say my daily prayers again. What a difference it makes! Tonight, Hubby and I are going to stay up till all hours of the night watching movies, playing games, and just hanging out together. Then tomorrow morning, we are going to sleep late :)
I hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend!
In my ACA course, we are learning about personalities. So far I have learned that I am left brained, and my learning type is primarily kinesthetic, followed by a close visual. It explains a lot to know I am so not an auditory learner. Tonight I will be taking another personality test. It has been fun to learn so many different things about myself. I plan on putting all of this information to good use.
On a less positive note, we are still broke. Pardon me while I rant. We paid $100+ yesterday to get the tire replaced on Hubby's car, and the truck is in the shop for the second time in ten days. Last week we paid $200 to have the brake lines replaced, and the very next day something else went wrong. When I took it to the shop, I thought it was the starter. But they said they tested it and the started is fine. So now it's sitting in there with no idea what is wrong. We still haven't bought groceries. *sigh* Hopefully, Hubby's paycheck will be enough to get some food in this house. Can we be any more pathetic? Okay rant over- thanks for listening.
I am learning the pains of carpal tunnel. I have dealt with it for a while, and I wear braces on my hands and wrists to help prevent it. Since I have started school, it is getting worse. I'm feeling the discomfort and pain creeping from the middle of my arms, through my wrists, into the palms of my hands, and tingling into my fingers. I have heard from so many people that the shots do not good; at that point, only the surgery will help. Quick surgery, two or three weeks recovery (per hand), and small scars. The next time I visit the doctor, I will bring it up for discussion.
Oh, I'm so glad for the weekend. I love school, and I love the schedule we are finally on. Work hard during the week, relax and play during the weekend. Once I finish this personality test, I will be finished with homework for the weekend. I have even been able to read my scriptures and say my daily prayers again. What a difference it makes! Tonight, Hubby and I are going to stay up till all hours of the night watching movies, playing games, and just hanging out together. Then tomorrow morning, we are going to sleep late :)
I hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend!
I had carpal tunnel but luckily it resolved with physical therapy, ultrasound and braces and cortisone injections. Unfortunately my cubital tunnel problem is a LOT worse and there really is no good treatment for it. That's actually what ended my flute playing. It was so frustrating having to go on rest breaks for weeks at a time! Yuck. Nerve pain is the worst. Hope you get it fixed
I have braces for them, I have the stretchy band to do exercises, and I know how to stretch them (myself and Hubby helps me). Other than that, there's not a lot I can do without medical help.
i just read so much of your blogs... they are long and there are a lot of them, jeez you get into it lol ^^ all of them are like at 10pm lol. SO yeah i think i might log into ffxi today ^^ if i can figure out how to on my friends xbox lol. SO yeah
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