Saturday, August 4, 2007

Clearing out-- Added a photo

In order to occupy my mind, I decided to clear out my quest log today. I found out I could view each quest and mission I had, and boy did I have a lot of unfinished business.

Since I had two quests for the Sandy area, I left Jeuno and to the airship to Sandy. I had Chocobo on the Loose and Rosel the Armorer.

I spent an hour studying Rosel the Armorer on FFIclophedia and wandering around Chateau d'Oraguille frustrated as a taru can be because I couldn't find Trion or Pieuje. After getting so frustrated with it I could have thrown both of them out the window, I asked Selo for help. Here was the conversation we had. "You don't have the quest activated." "Clearly, I do, otherwise I wouldn't have found it in my quest log. What else might I be missing?" "Maybe you don't have access to them." "Maybe that's it. So how do I get access?" "You don't." "Well, then, how do I finish the quest?" "Maybe you don't have it activated, and that's why you don't have access." Not helping. So I turn to my next know-it-all. I may have him on a pedestal, but there isn't much that Selo doesn't know. So when Selo doesn't know something, I got to Achika (who was actually on Selan at the time). And Achi was great. He was ever so kind- and straight to the point. "Leave the castle. When you get out, talk to X." I did, and that was it. THAT was all I had to do. I never even needed to waste my time wandering around the castle looking for those two stupid princes. Thank you Achi.

By the time that quest was finished, I didn't have time for Chocobo on the Loose. Selo, Blutig, and Veloxe were waiting to help me with Genkai 2- Atop the Highest Mountain. I warp back to Jeuno, take the boat to Windy, and OP to Xarcabard. The first thing I see when I get there, is a really big scary dragon staring straight at me. He looks like he eats Galkas for breakfast- what the heck is my little taru self doing standing in front of him? Oh. That's what. They are fighting Biast. Well okay, so I jump in with my Freeze and level II spells. And I end up dead. <[too weak]> <[tarutaru]> But they kill him, and Patroclus's Helm drops. <[Congratulations]> Blutig. He earned it. And then he <[Raise II]> me. Thank you :)

Once that adventure was complete we head off to get the three pieces of Frigicite. When we got to the Boreal Hound someone was already killing it. It died, I got the first piece, and we ran to the next one. We killed the Boreal Tiger and Boreal Coeurl, and I got the other two. Warped back to Jeuno, turned it in to Maat, and earned the title of Summit Breaker. *sigh* Even though I am in no hurry to reach 75 (I want to enjoy it!), I will be very glad when those are over. I don't look forward to them on my mule.

All in all, it was a fairly productive few hours. I finished one Sandy quest, and two Jeuno quests. I am glad to be tying up some of these loose ends. It seems I start quests without realizing it, and then only find out I have them by looking in my quest log. I will have to be more careful about this. I am glad to have Wiki, as it makes my FFXI life SO much easier. I will probably work on Chocobo on the Loose tomorrow, and any other quest I find time for. I have plenty more where that came from. I need to do farming too. Selo showed me where to go and what to farm, so that I can make myself more gil. I'm not broke yet, as I still have close to 600k, but it's going fast. I want to start learning Alchemy. Which means it's time for me to start farming items and earning gil to support my new soon to be talent.

Added some more of the GTMC people to my MS. I'm glad to have more FFXI friends. I have a couple of good blogs I found through Google, and I am glad to be connecting with FFXI people. Anyway, I am off to bed. Thanks to everyone, especially Selo, for the help tonight. I can't do this without you guys. <[Love for the FFXI buddies]>

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