Monday, September 17, 2007

Babies really are a gift from God . . . and can be taken at any time

First the sad news, because I like to end on a positive note.

Trinity passed away during the night- early, early this morning. Trinity was three years old, and had a very rare heart condition. Due to her heart condition, she was having the last of five surgeries to 'fix' her heart. Unfortunately, complications occurred, and Trinity is now Home with God. Trinity lived longer than any one else to ever have this condition, and we are grateful for the time we were blessed with. The service will be held this Saturday in Gilroy, California. Our prayers are with all of the family. We love you Trinity.


And second, my sister Kendra had her baby today! She and her husband, Nick, went to the hospital early this morning, and Kendra had a C-section.

Cyrus Blade *insert last name here*

He was born at 7:57am. He is 7 lbs 4 oz, and 21 1/2 inches long. Cyrus has lots of auburn hair! Congrats Kendra and Nick for the newest addition to the Harwell family. And congrats to the extended Davis family as well. Yay, I'm an auntie! Cyrus is my first nephew and I am so excited about him. See the cute baby shoes? I got to buy them for him :)


It goes to show that God really does know what he is doing. He blessed both of these babies with entry into a new world. Thank you, God, for the gift of life.

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