Friday, April 11, 2008

Why Didn't I Learn This Years Ago?

I've been avoiding Mic Excel. If I ever needed a spreadsheet for something I would call my sister and have her make it. She took a class on Microsoft, and she knows her stuff. Recently, especially since I started this job, I've needed Excel and SSs more and more. It's become more difficult to get her help with every little detail. Today I sat down and forced myself to learn some thing. How easy! I can't believe I have been putting this off for so long. Now, I'm sure the more difficult stuff is a lot more complicated. But I am now able to do exactly what I want in the several SSs I have to use. I'm amazed at how easy this is. What was I so afraid of?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love doing them for you. If you ever need help with stuff let me know. Love you tonz.....