Friday, August 3, 2007

Uncle Dachie

Uncle Dachie passed away. He has been in a nursing home for several years, and has been sick for the last few months. I am glad for him, that he is blessed enough to have moved on now. He is in the next stage of his life, and no longer has to deal with the worldly suffering. He can enjoy his eternal body and can live in glory with Heavenly Father.
But for some reason, I am saddened. Even though Uncle Dachie's passing is a blessing for him, I am depressed. Maybe it is the selfish, small minded, human part of me that wants to hold on. The worldly part that sees death as a final ending to the relationship, instead of the transition that it really is. Maybe it is the realty of death really happening, and not just planning and preparing. But I just can't seem to shake the bleakness inside of me.
But beyond all my anguish, he was the kind of person I want to be. He was a strong military American who was dedicated to supporting his family and living the dream. Thank you, Uncle Dachie, for what you taught and the example you set.

Uncle Dachie Albert Marlow


Anonymous said...

i completely understand the selfishness you are talking about, but you just gotta look past it and continue realizing that he isn't far, that he is free from pain, suffering, and worldly problems and was welcomed with open arms on the other side. I feel the exact same way with my dad and yesterday I was talking to my brother online and we were talking about how we practically have a step family now with my mom's boyfriends family and all and we both became overwhelmed at the same time while online chatting because we missed our dad so much. I wish he hadn't gone because I need him so bad right now in my life but that is the selfish side of me talking. I shouldn't have expected and assumed my mom would be alone forever. It's kind of nice having her boyfriend in the house cause he is hilarious, but its not my dad. But, I would love to continue on but I am getting all sad and teary again. It's been a little over a year but it's hitting me more now than when it happened.

Veloxe said...

Wow, what a life. I hope that when it comes down to it I can live to be nearly that old. The sights you witness, the things you experience, the people you meet! It's hard for me to be empathetic in these situations because I have never really experienced the death of a loved one. But in the end, I always hold onto the idea that when it all comes down to it everything will work out. Focus on the life and the impact, that's the best I can think of. You don't have to let go, people die physically, but they can't leave your heart unless you let them.

I'm sure you'll get through this and be stronger because of it, you've got selo, family, and many great friends.