Friday, February 22, 2008

Some Guy Bought Me Donuts

Selo and I stopped for gas on the way home from work. I went into the store to find the donuts I had been craving since his birthday.

Me *thinking* Hmmm, I know they are here. All c-stores have them. There they are!

Cashier Chick: This all for you today?

Me: Yes ma'am. *digs in purse for wallet* Shoot! Never mind. I left my wallet at my office. I bet it's still sitting in my drawer. *sigh* Never mind.

Cashier Chick: Oh. Okay. Sorry.

I turn and walk out of the store. I had barely gone out the door before the guy standing behind me in line called me back inside.

Me *thinking* Did he find my wallet? I wonder if I just dropped it.

Mr Man: I'll buy the donuts for you.

Me: *starring*

Cashier Chick: *shrug*

Me: Um, thank you. . . but . . . you know, I'm married.

Cashier Chick busts up laughing.

Mr Man *shocked* and then laughs: I'm engaged. It's okay. They're just donuts.

Me: Um, thanks.

Mr Man: I'm just trying to be a nice guy. It's really no big deal.

Me: I didn't mean to offend you, I just don't want to give the wrong impression.

Mr Man picks up the now-paid-for donuts and hands me the box.

Me: Thank you.

Mr Man: Your welcome.


Veloxe said...

Life lesson: Never look a free donut box in the mouth...or something like that.

Ritch in Love said...

Ok, I can't toally see myself saying the EXACT same thing!! "UM, I'm married!" However who doesn't love free donuts!! LOL!!!!

*Marie* said...

It was one of those random acts of kindness that completely through me off.