Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dear Santa

You have been a busy man this year. I have seen so many wonderful sights, and happenings, and joyous activities. Instead of writing to send you my list of wants, I want to tell you thank you for what you have already given me this Christmas.
I have a wonderful husband, who has adores me and helps me feel loved and makes me laugh all the time. I have a great family, all different sides of it, where I can share all my love and spend holidays and know I have people to fall back on. I have awesome friends, who I can spend time with, plan vacations with, and exchange gifts, ideas, and support with. I have a home, a bed, food, warmth, water, and comfort. I have a career, which I really enjoy, I work with good people with good morals, and brings in a good income for financial stability. I have all my limbs, organs, and senses.
So I want to say thank you. This has been the best Christmas of my life so far. And that's saying a lot, because Christmas has been hard for me for the last several years. But I see all that I have, and I am grateful for it. Christmas, for me, has already been great.
Love always, Marie

1 comment:

The HoJo's said...

Hi, thanks for dropping by my blog, I hope you had a wonderful family Christmas