We left the house at 6am for the airport. I wanted the dishes done (at least in the dishwasher and ran) and the bed made before we left. While I did the dishes, here's how Selo made the bed. Isn't he cute?
Teresa, Andy's sister, picked us up with Beka and Andy. We grabbed McDee's for breakfast. on the way to the airport. I love sausage mcgriddles. We got to Las Vegas, got our bags, and got in line to get our rental car. That was a mess. Instead of getting the price I was quoted, they charged us more than double. I was livid. But their reasons- although way over priced- were legit and legal. I will certainly be on the lookout for that next time. While at the airport waiting, we met the Rochester kids. I found out the term "Rochester kids" was so not literal. They weren't kids, they were our age! I was expecting Barbie style teenagers. Not even close. (Oh, how I was embarrassed.) Danielle was this tall, beautiful, spunky chick that was so friendly. Nicole was a pretty little chicka with great long hair and a quick smile. Isaac was tall (taaaaaallllllll) and strong and polite. What a pleasant surprise. Anyway, as soon as we (the Utah group) got our car, Danielle, Nicole, and Isaac took off for some time on the strip so we could have some time with Sue. Kristine and Sue in one car, Selo, Andy, Beka, and I in the other. Check out this video. This is Andy and Selo doing the dancing in the rental car as soon as we got it. OMGosh we laughed so hard.

Then we headed for Hoover Dam. We stopped at a view point, and got this picture.

We kept on and drove over the dam several times. Beka got some good pics of it. Then we stopped for lunch, and tried some of the homemade peanut butter Sue made. Not too bad. After the dam, Kristine and Sue took off to find out about the Stratosphere, while the four of us went and checked into the resort. This is where we stayed. Isn't it simply incredible? We had a three bedroom, two bath condo. Full kitchen, balcony, w/d in the condo, all amenities. Oh it was amazing. I cannot tell you how wonderful it has been to be owners with Worldmark.
Okay, after the checking into the resort, we all met at the Stratosphere. And it was then that I made a very brave move. I rode the Big Shot (the one pointing straight up). Danielle, Isaac, Selo, and I rode it. It was . . . invigorating. I've never had an experience like that in my life. Wow. Then the other three rode the Xscream (pic) and the Insanity (pic). I will have pics of them on the rides as soon as I get them off my camera. Even Sue ran off behind all of us and jumped on it herself. Have you ever seen a 70 year old woman volunteer to be dropped off the side of a building?
After our very long and exciting day, we were all exhausted. We went back to the hotel and crawled into our wonderfully soft and comfortable beds.
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